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Is Boiled Eggs Good for Keto Diet

photo of eggs in a basket that illustrates the topic which is the BEST WAY TO EAT EGGS ON A KETO DIET.

We have often been asked about THE BEST WAY TO EAT EGGS ON A KETO DIET.  Here we explore some options;

Eggs are one of the staples on the Keto diet. Scrambled, poached, boiled, fried and made into omelets. There are plenty of ways that you can prepare them. Again it is worth mentioning that Organic or Free Range eggs are best.

Although you will probably find that eggs become a breakfast staple, they can also be whipped into a nutritious and inexpensive supper. Try making a Spanish Omelette using leftover roasted vegetables which can then be reheated for breakfast. Don't forget they also make a lovely Hollandaise sauce to eat with that delicious salmon or for a Keto-friendly Eggs Benedict!


photo of scrambled eggs that illustrates the topic of the page; BEST WAY TO EAT EGGS ON A KETO DIETSCRAMBLED EGGS

Eating Scrambled eggs with green vegetables is a great way to get some extra nutrition in at breakfast. It also removes the bread carbs from the equation.

Either add spinach or asparagus with grass-fed butter. I also like to add some homemade salsa to spice things up and add a hint of fresh citrus. A great combo!

It is good to remember that butter and also cheese are allowed on the Keto Diet.  Adding a sprinkle of cheese and cooking in butter adds flavor and satisfies without the need for bready carbs. Make a veggie scramble and top with cheese for a nutritious and satisfying breakfast.

photo of smoked salmon and poached eggs which illustratesPOACHED EGGS

The great thing about poaching eggs is that they are the most nutritious way to eat them. Fried eggs have been frowned upon by Keto purists because frying them cooks the eggs at too high a temperature, much like barbequed meats.

Serving the eggs on a bed of spinach with some smoked salmon is an excellent way to avoid the carbs in the muffin regularly served up as with them as 'Eggs Benedict'. Go for the 'Florentine' version and leave out the muffin! They are also very good served on a bed of fresh steamed asparagus with a few spoonfuls of fresh salsa sprinkled on top!

photo of an omless with a cheesy filling and a tomato on top; best way to eat eggs on a keto diet.OMELETS

Omelets are a great way to eat eggs not just at breakfast but for dinner too! They are versatile. They can include vegetables, cheese, ham, or any combination of all of those things.

A great little trick that I learned early on in my Keto journey was to batch cook some mini omelets. These can be kept in the fridge and heated quickly each morning. Using a cupcake tin or muffin tin creates the perfect size mini omelet. Just whisk eggs, add fillings and cook in the oven, remembering to oil the tin first.

Photo of full english breakfast which is relevant to page heading; BEST WAY TO EAT EGGS ON A KETO DIET.FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST

Who doesn't love a full English breakfast? When following a Keto diet plan this is a good way to eat eggs. Most of the components of a full English breakfast are low in carbs. It is easy to add bacon, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes as well as low carb sausages. Make sure that the sausages are 'low carb'. Check the packaging. Often breadcrumbs are used as a filler which can increase the carbohydrate content. And leave out the baked beans. Although considered a healthy food option by many people they are high in sugar and beans tend to be high in carbs even without the sauce.

Some people add avocado to the mix which is a good way to increase the fat content. Another thing worth noting is that Tomato ketchup is a condiment often eaten with a full English breakfast. Standard shop bought ketchup contains a lot of sugar, so it is worth looking at the numerous recipes that can be found online for keto tomato ketchup. Using natural sugar alternatives such as Erythritol to make the recipe from scratch,  means you can enjoy it often without worrying about carbs.

photo of hollandaise sauce along with egg mayonaise.SAUCES USING EGGS

Eggs are used for many delicious sauces that can be incorporated into the keto diet plan. One of my personal favorites as I have mentioned earlier is Hollandaise sauce.  I love to eat it with salmon and asparagus. It can dress up many green vegetables. Homemade mayonnaise is another staple, from which Caesar Salad dressing can be made and which is another easy meal in the keto world. Keto custard is another option if you are having a weekend treat.


Is Boiled Eggs Good for Keto Diet
