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What Is the Color of Rosehip Oil

Packed with antioxidants and fatty acids, rosehip oil is a natural versatile moisturizer that will heal your hair, nails and skin from bruises, acne and wrinkles.

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So many rosehips out there and I'm wondering how I can harness their full potential. Making homemade rosehip oil was on my list for a long time. I was just waiting for the right moment - for rose hips to ripen.

If you happen to have access to rosehips making rosehip powder is a great preservation method that allows you to enjoy their power during the cold winter.

There has been so much going on around rosehip seed oil lately. Many celebrities are getting younger every day from using pure rosehip seed oil so I started to investigate. Is it true or just a myth?

Bottle with rosehip oil and dropper

What is rosehip oil?

While rose oil is extracted from rose petals, rosehip oil comes from the fruits of roses - rosehips.

Rosehips are fruits of the rose bush. There are several types of rosehips from various Rosa genus and all are edible. Inside the fruits are plenty of seeds that are irritating but packed with powerful ingredients. A valuable source of essential fatty acids, linoleic acids, provitamin A and carotenoid (indicating the orange colour of rosehips), rosehip seeds possess excellent healing properties for our skin.

showing various types of rosehips - all are edible
showing various types of rosehips - all are edible

Rosehips are also well known for their high content of Vitamin C which is important in boosting our immune system during the cold and flu season. But most of the Vitamin C is in the pericarp (fruit) of rosehips. So if you make roasted rosehip tea, rosehip tea or rosehip jam you better remove the seeds and use the fruits instead, but when it comes to skincare - keep the seeds!

Benefits of DIY rosehip oil

For skin

Most people fear that the oil will be too greasy and will clog pores. However, you do not have to worry about rosehip oil, because it is often referred to as dry oil. It does not leave traces as it absorbs relatively quickly and does not leave an oily film on the skin. Its neutral pH encourages easy absorption by the skin. We made this wonderful rosehip soap with rosehip oil and used all its benefits.

rosehip oil for hair

Rosehip oil for acne

The main ingredient that is very effective in acne treatment is linoleic acid. Rosehip oil always has a high amount (about 50%) of linoleic fatty acid, which is exactly what acne sufferers are short of. According to scientists, acne sufferers have low levels of linoleic acid in their skin surface lipids (sebum).

It also contains tretinoin that enables vitamin A conversion into retinol which is the most effective single ingredient in acne treatment.

rosehip oil how to use
rosehip oil how to use

to reduce micro-comedones

This study suggests the applying of linoleic acid on the skin reduces the size of micro-comedones (tiny clogged pores on your face)

to lighten hyperpigmentation

This study revealed that linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid lightens hyperpigmentation induced by UV, discolouration or the dark spots caused by sun exposure.

 The orange colour of rose hips indicates it's high carotenoid content, which helps protect skin from free radical damage.

to hydrate the skin

the ability of fatty acids to keep strong cell walls and therefore protect the skin from dehydration helps hydrate the skin. Rosehip oil is excellent for hydrating dry and itchy skin. We used its power in this homemade lip balm with rosehips

to reduce wrinkles

 This clinical research also showed tretinoin has anti-wrinkle properties and plays, therefore, an important role in the whole anti-ageing process. Synthetic version of Tretinoin also exists but with more side effects than its natural counterpart.

We used this oil to create this wonderful anti-ageing eye cream with vitamin E and coconut oil.

speed up healing of the skin

When rosehip oil penetrates through the skin, fatty acids become prostaglandins (PGE) that regenerate the tissues and cells. This oil helps speed up the healing of burns and wounds. It may also reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars.

How to make rosehip oil from scratch

to ease inflammation

Rosehip oil contains antioxidant vitamin E that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Together with polyphenols, they may help to calm irritation as a result of psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis.

Rosehip oil for nails

for nails - if you suffer from weak and easily breakable nails massage rosehip oil in the cuticles every night before going to sleep. The effect should be visible within 1 week. It should help strengthen your nails and make them less fragile.

for hair

If dry hair makes your life difficult you will love your rosehip oil. Massage the dry and brittle ends of your hair and leave it for 1 hour to settle. Wash it and watch it. Your hair will get back their shine and soft look again.

to cleanse your face

Its neutral pH and fast absorption make rosehip oil ideal makeup and eye makeup remover. Just a few drops of oil onto a cotton pad will clean your face from any mascara or makeup remains and the remaining rosehip oil on your face will reduce the appearance of fine lines

Rosehip oil recipe

Before we start please note that this rosehip oil recipe is not the same as rosehip seed oil you can purchase commercially. Rosehip seed oil is made from cold-pressed rosehip seeds that require a specific hydraulic press and a lot of seeds thus impossible to make at home.

First step

start with the rosehips - collect them on a dry day, alternatively, you can buy them dried. The rosehips have sharp thorns so I recommend wearing gloves. Collect them after the frost so they are soft and easy to break or bruise. Make sure they are free of chemicals as you don't want these to end up on your face.

Second step

clean them from leaves, stems and thorns place them to the mortar and bruise them so the seeds can release their medicinal properties in the carrier oil

mashing rosehips in the mortar to release their medicinal properties
mashing rosehips in the mortar to release their medicinal properties

Third step

select your carrier oil. Chose almond or jojoba oil or any other organic oil that has not been processed

Pouring almond oil into the casserole
Pouring almond oil into the casserole

Fourth step

place the rosehips in a casserole that can be used in the oven. pour over the carrier oil in a ratio of 1(rosehips):2 (carrier oil)

removing the mixture after 8 hours in the oven
removing the mixture after 8 hours in the oven

Fifth step

place the oil in the oven and keep it at low temperature, it should not exceed 38°C (100°F) for 8 hours. After 8 hours remove from the oven and let it settle in the dark place

Sixth step

strain the oil from the solids with a fine piece of cheesecloth or several layers of cheesecloth so there is no solid residue in the oil.

straining rosehips from the oil with cheesecloth
straining rosehips from the oil

Seventh step

Add a few drops of Vitamin E to increase the preservation time.

Eigth step

Pour the oil in a dark bottle, put a label and a date and seal it.

Ninth step

 Store in a dark place refrigerated.

Can rosehip oil clog pores?

If applied in 2-3 drops a day it will not clog pores. Rosehip oil is often referred to as dry oil. Thanks to its neutral ph it absorbs very quickly and does not leave an oily film on the skin.

Can I use rosehip oil to grow my eyelashes?

Not only your hair can benefit from medicinal properties of Rosehip oil but also your eyebrows and eyelashes. If you regularly apply it to your eyelashes/eyebrows, they will grow longer and look healthier.

Can I use slow a cooker instead of the oven?

Can I use a slow cooker instead of the oven? Yes. just make sure the temperature will not exceed 38°C (100°F). If possible set up on warm setting.

How long does this rosehip oil last?

Since we used fresh plant material with lots of moisture this oil has the potential to go rancid quicker. Thus one should use it for between 6-9months and store it refrigerated. It is also advised to check periodically for mold and rancidity.

Prep Time 30 minutes

Active Time 20 minutes

Additional Time 8 hours

Total Time 8 hours 50 minutes

Difficulty Easy

Estimated Cost 3$


  1. collect rosehips on a dry day and clean them from leaves and stems.
  2. place them in the mortar and bruise them with the pestle so the seeds can release their medicinal properties in the carrier oil. They are hard so if you cannot do it with pestle use coffee grinder or blender to grind them.
  3. place rosehips in the casserole and pour over your carrier oil - almond or jojoba oil
  4. place the oil in the oven and keep it at low temperature, it should not exceed 38°C (100°F) for 8 hours.
  5. Remove from the oven after 8 hours and let it settle in the dark place
  6. Strain the oil from the solids with a fine piece of cheesecloth or several layers of cheesecloth so there is no solid residue in the oil.
  7. Add a few drops of Vitamin E to increase the preservation time.
  8. Pour the oil in a dark bottle, put a label and a date and seal it.
  9. Store in a dark place.


select ripe rosehips after the frost so its easier to mash them in the mortar.

DIY rose oil for skin and hair

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What Is the Color of Rosehip Oil
